
BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks

Post Name : BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks

Date : 27/01/2025 | 10:30

Inshort Information : We are pleased to announce the results for Exam 18/2024. This post includes the merit list, category-wise cut-off marks, and important instructions for candidates. Please read the information carefully.

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Merit List Overview

Below is the list of candidates selected under various categories. The selection is based on performance in the written examination and final evaluation.

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Unreserved (UR) Category

Total Candidates Selected: 25
Here are the top candidates from the Unreserved category:

Merit No. Roll No. Name Gender Remarks
1 115870 SOM PAL Male
3 113160 ROHIT YADAV Male
4 132660 SHIRIN KALAM Female

The full list can be accessed here.

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Category-Wise Cut-off Marks

The following table provides the cut-off marks for each category:

Category Cut-off Marks Weightage Included
Unreserved (UR) 349 Yes
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 330 Yes
Scheduled Caste (SC) 288 Yes
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 230 Yes
Extremely Backward Class (EBC) 292 Yes

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Instructions for Candidates

  1. Marks Sheet Availability: Candidates can download their marks sheets from the official website bpsc.bihar.gov.in under the “Marks Sheet” section.
  2. Document Verification:
    • Dates: 27th September 2024 to 29th September 2024
    • Venue: Office of the Commission, Patna (Address: 15, Bailey Road, Patna – 800001)
    • Documents Required:
      • Original certificates
      • Identity proof
      • Application form printout
  3. Special Notes:
    • Candidates with remarks such as “FFD” (Further Follow-up Document) must ensure submission before the final deadline.
    • Disabled candidates must bring relevant certificates for verification.

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Important Dates

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks Contact Information

For any queries, please contact:

BPSC Exam 18/2024: Results, Merit List, and Cut-off Marks

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