
ESIC Hospital Ankleshwar Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 (32 Vacancys)

Name of Post : ESIC Hospital Ankleshwar Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 (32 Vacancys)

Post Date :        20/01/2025 | 3:30

Short information : ESIC Hospital, Ankleshwar, invites eligible candidates for Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 and if
vacant 4th Wednesday of every month ((Till 06 months or till vacancy complete) for engagement of Full
Time Super Specialist (F.T.SS.) / Part Time Super Specialist (P.T.SS.), Full Time Contractual Specialist
(FTS) / Part Time Contractual Specialist (PTS) / Senior Resident and Senior Resident against GDMO.

ESIC Hospital Ankleshwar Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 (32 Vacancys) POST AVAILABLE 

  1. Full-Time Super Specialist (FTSS) / Part-Time Super Specialist (PTSS)

2. Full-Time Specialist (FTS) / Part-Time Specialist (PTS)

3. Senior Resident (SR)

4.Senior Resident Against GDMO Vacancy

ESIC Hospital Ankleshwar Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 (32 Vacancys) INTERVIEW DETAILS 

Registration Closes: 12:00 PM on the interview day.


Adevertizement link – https://www.esic.gov.in/attachments/recruitmentfile/4a5aeed95a5d36f3ce04ae875f4f6895.pdf


ESIC Hospital Ankleshwar Walk-in-interview on 29th Jan,2025 (32 Vacancys)


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